Strategies to include artistic structural elements in the mass public transportation system in Maracaibo, Venezuela


  • Carmen Velásquez Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela


urban mobility, public space, public art, metro


The main objective of this article is to propose strategies for the public art incorporation in the Metro lines of Maracaibo – Venezuela. In order to co-produce the harmony place sense with the urban design practices that shape “marabino” public space morphology. Therefore, on the basis of the international best urban practice analysis and process establishment that carry out the public space production, strategies for including artistic structural elements are proposed to be implemented in mass public transportation system of Maracaibo, using as analysis methodology the incorporation of new ways of conceiving integrated space with art through the relationship among three elements: art, landscape and stations architecture. The result is: a) Fact sheets where integral elements relate to landscape, b) Strategies to include art in future Metro lines of Maracaibo


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Author Biography

Carmen Velásquez, Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela

Architect Full Professor, of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the University of Zulia. Venezuela. Magister Scienciarium in Architecture Mention Architecture Teaching Workshop. Aspiring to PhD in Public Space and Urban Regeneration of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Doctorate of Public Space and Urban Regeneration of the UB of Spain. Email:


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How to Cite

Velásquez, C. (2014). Strategies to include artistic structural elements in the mass public transportation system in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Gaceta Técnica, 11(1), 27–42. Retrieved from



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