Written production competences under a cognitive, procedural and contextual approach in agroindustrial engineering students


  • Ivy M. Escalona de Orellana Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela
  • Osaly Gabriela Hurtado niversidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagogico Barquisimeto. Venezuela
  • José Emilio González Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagogico Barquisimeto. Venezuela


reading comprehension, written production, procedural approach, contextual approach


The purpose of this study was to design a didactic proposal to improve literacy, aimed at Agroindustrial Engineering students at UCLA. It is focused on the reading cognitive approaches by Parodi (2003) and Marin (1999), the production procedural approach by Parodi (op. cit.) and Albarran (2005), and contributions about writing teaching under a contextual model by Hernandez and Quintero (2001). It is based on the qualitative approach with a classroom action-research design. The subjects consisted of 30 first semester students from Agroindustrial Engineering. A teaching proposal, containing development activities of 8 class sessions with their teaching resources and methodological theoretical justification was elaborated. The proposal is centered on three aspects: 1) Weaknesses and needs identified through an applied diagnosis, 2) Review and selection of updated information or academic significance about the literacy teaching to higher level, and 3) Classroom experience


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Author Biographies

Ivy M. Escalona de Orellana, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Assistant Professor of Exclusive Dedication at the Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado University. Venezuela. Agroindustrial Engineering Program. Department of Management and General Studies. MA in Linguistics (2011) Professor of Language Literature (2006), UPEL-IPB. Researcher in the area of ​​Mother Language Teaching, Pedagogical Discourse Analysis, Analysis of Media Discourse, Creativity and Education. Email: ivyescalona@ucla.edu.ve

Osaly Gabriela Hurtado, niversidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagogico Barquisimeto. Venezuela

Professor of Language and Literature (2012). Pedagogica Experimental University Liberator. Barquisimeto Pedagogic Institute. Venezuela. Professor of the Program of Professionalization for Teachers in Service of the UPEL-IPB. Researcher in the area of ​​Teaching of the Mother Tongue, Teaching of Literature, Discourse Analysis. Email: osaly_gabriela@hotmail.com

José Emilio González, Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagogico Barquisimeto. Venezuela

Professor of Language and Literature (2012). Pedagogica Experimental University Liberator. Barquisimeto Pedagogic Institute. Venezuela. Teacher of the subjects Oral and Written Expression and Language and Communication. Researcher in the area of ​​Teaching of the Mother Tongue and Teaching Literature. Email: gonzalezjoseemilio@hotmail.com


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How to Cite

Escalona de Orellana, I. M., Hurtado, O. G., & González, J. E. (2014). Written production competences under a cognitive, procedural and contextual approach in agroindustrial engineering students. Gaceta Técnica, 11(1), 77–88. Retrieved from https://revistas2.uclave.org/index.php/gt/article/view/1337



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