Experimental study of angle type shear connectors in position L and V embedded in composite slabs with steel decks





shear connector, angle type connector, push-out test, collaborating sheet


This article presents a study of angle-type shear connectors, as a new proposal for a monolithic work of the composite slab system with collaborating sheet, considering that there are currently no regulations that validate its use. The experimental analysis of 14 specimens with angle-type shear connectors positioned in plan at 90º (type L) and 45º (type V), tested with the Push-Out method established by Eurocode 4, is presented. Mechanical properties such as shear strength, ductility, and stiffness as a function of connector position, as well as failure mode. The results showed that the two groups of specimens have similar shear strength and ductility, differentiating between V-type connectors with a stiffness value 42% higher than differentiating between V-type connectors with a stiffness value those obtained in L-type connectors. The typical failure mode is due to premature cracking, of the concrete in the cross section of the slab. The results obtained for shear capacity are compared with some empirical expressions of international regulations and previous studies of similar connectors


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Author Biographies

Hernán Valenzuela, Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Hernan, Valenzuela. Civil engineer. National polytechnic school. Quito, Ecuador. Email: hernan.valenzuela@epn.edu.ec

Fredy Velasco, Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Freddy, Velasco. Civil engineer. National polytechnic school. Quito, Ecuador. Email: fredy.velasco@epn.edu.ec

Luis Tinerfe Hernández Rodríguez, Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Luis Tinerfe, Hernandez Rodriguez. Civil engineer. PhD. Director of the Housing Research Center. National polytechnic school. Quito, Ecuador. Email: luis.hernandezr@epn.edu.ec

Edwin Guaminga, Escuela Politécnica Nacional

Edwin, Guaminga. Civil engineer. Housing Research Center. National polytechnic school. Quito, Ecuador. Email: edwin.guaminga@epn.edu.ec


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How to Cite

Valenzuela, H., Velasco, F., Hernández Rodríguez, L. T., & Guaminga, E. (2022). Experimental study of angle type shear connectors in position L and V embedded in composite slabs with steel decks. Gaceta Técnica, 23(2), 70–87. https://doi.org/10.51372/gacetatecnica232.6



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