Three-dimensional diagrams and the path towards project synthesis




architectural diagram, three-dimensional architectural diagram, architectural object


The purpose of this work is to describe, through a critical analytical monographic study, how the Diagram as an instrument of graphic representation becomes the cartography of the design process. The information was collected in the field, and organized in a population made up of the number of students present in the author Design workshops, in a period of 5 regular academic semesters. This occurs in a context where the teaching of architecture has been distinguished with characteristics for understanding the Architectural Object as a final product, its dissection into parts, and as a representation of a response to a design problem. This attitude could lead to dissipating attention from important moments where knowledge is collected and recorded, as well as particular experiences. Added to this is the fact that in the process of synthesis and definition of the final Architectural Object, the architectural project is ignored as a complex whole


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Author Biography

Cesar Alejandro Figueroa Rodríguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Cesar Alejandro, Figueroa Rodríguez, Architect. Professor at the Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Carlos Raúl Villanueva School of Architecture, Extramural Teaching Unit of Barquisimeto. Venezuela. Email:


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How to Cite

Figueroa Rodríguez, C. A. (2023). Three-dimensional diagrams and the path towards project synthesis. Gaceta Técnica, 24(2), 44–56.



Research articles