The use of academic social networks by the academy



doctors, doctoral degrees, academic social networks, Universidad Central de Venezuela, socialization of knowledge


The objective of this paper is to investigate the practices and preferences of the Central University of Venezuela doctoral graduates in disseminating and extending the results of their research to society as a whole through their publications on academic social networks, on the basis that this diffusion varies in each discipline. The graduates who were taken are those registered and with their doctoral theses in the
institutional repository of the Universidad Central de Venezuela: SaberUCV. The presence of this group of doctors is described in the academic social networks, ResearchGate and the search engine Google Scholar. There is a weak presence of this group of doctors in the academic networks and ResearchGate, and they have in greater visibility in Google Scholar, consequently, hey miss opportunities to publicize their research and exchange with peers or citizens interested in academic issues.


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Author Biography

Elsi Jiménez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Doctora en Educación. Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Profesora de la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Archivología (UCV), Maestría en Información y comunicación para el Desarrollo, Doctorado en Humanidades (UCV), Coordinadora del Doctorado en Humanidades (20122017), Directora del Sistema de Información Científica, Humanística y Tecnológica –(SICHT) y Biblioteca Central de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (20042008). Profesora invitada del Doctorado en Educación (UCAB), Autora de libros y artículos (disponibles en:énez.

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How to Cite

Jiménez, E. (2020). The use of academic social networks by the academy. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 8, 13–33. Retrieved from