Musical analysis from the perspective of the pitch class set system of the first piece of the Octoechos series by composer Héctor González




musical analysis, musical composition, pitch class sets, musical texture, Hector González


The objective of this musical research article is to determine the behavior of pitches in the first piece of the Octoechos series by Colombian composer Hector González from the perspective of the theory of pitch class sets. They are derived as specific objectives: to determine and implement the pertinent analytical units, to analyze the melodic structure and codify it in the context of the pitch class sets (PCS) theory and finally to reveal the structural functionalities found in the piece. An analytical protocol consisting of the following parameters was applied: type of textures, PCS, normal form, prime form, interval vector, composer annotations. As a result, the PCS development map used in the piece and its structural implications in relation to the other parameters studied were obtained.


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Author Biographies

Lisandro Jacob Pinedo Illidge, Universidad de La Guajira

Lisandro Pinedo has a degree in Music from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia and a degree in Colombia, Systems Engineer from Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Colombia. He graduated from the Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Artes in La Guajira. Master's Degree in 
Interpretación de Música Latinoamericana del Siglo XX by the Universidad de Cuyo, Argentina. He is a professor of functional guitar in the Licenciatura en Música program at the Universidad de La Guajira since 2017.  Director of the children's and youth symphony of. Fundartes in the Colombian Guajira.


Antonio Giménez Fréitez, Universidad de La Guajira

Antonio Giménez Fréitez is a musicologist, composer and conductor. Research professor at the Universidad de La Guajira, Colombia. He holds a degree in Music from the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Musicales, Venezuela. With a scholarship from Fundayacucho, he obtained the First Prize Diploma in Orchestra Conducting at the National Conservatory of the Reins Region, France, and the Diploma in Film Music Composition at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris. He holds a postgraduate degree in Composition with New Technologies from the Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Spain and a doctorate in Ciencias de la Educación from the Universidad Fermín Toro, Venezuela. Junior researcher and academic peer accredited by the Ministerio de Ciencias Tecnología e Innovación of Colombia, for the evaluation of artistic projects; director of the research group Luis Enrique Martínez, member of the Research Committee Luis Enrique Martínez research group, member of the Comité de Investigación de la Facultad de Educación de Uniguajira, coordinator of the Comité para la Renovación de Registro Calificado del Programa de Música. Member of the editorial committee of Mayéutica revista científica de humanidades y artes. He collaborated with the Revista Musical de Venezuela as an article writer and referee.



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How to Cite

Pinedo Illidge, L. J., & Giménez Fréitez, A. . (2022). Musical analysis from the perspective of the pitch class set system of the first piece of the Octoechos series by composer Héctor González. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(1), 5–25.