Andrés Barrios Gallipoli: A Renaissance Man




Andrés Barrios Gallipoli, Metropolitan University, art in Venezuela


A pictorial exhibition of the work of Andrés Barrios Gallipoli, entitled La mirada orgánica, was recently inaugurated at the Exhibition Hall of the Metropolitan University, Unimet, Caracas, under the auspices of the Culture Department and the visual proposal of Ricardo Arispe. Andrés Barrios Gallipoli, is a "renaissance man" in the strictest sense of the expression, who has creatively moved through literature, the plastic arts and stage performance, with a fundamental emphasis on music, obtaining important recognitions in his different facets due to his creative quality. On this occasion, some of the works contained in the aforementioned exhibition are included as a partial extension of the hall and selected by the author.


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Author Biography

Sergio Rafael Figallo, Centro Integral de Artes, Madrid

Estudios en la Escuela Superior de Música "José Ángel Lamas", Conservatorio de Música Simón Bolívar y Escuela de Música Padre Sojo en Caracas, Venezuela y en el Trinity College of Music y Guildhall School of Music and Drama en Londres, Inglaterra . Director coral en la Fundación Vinicio Adames, Caracas (1982-1988). Profesor en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador-Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto (1989-1991). Subdirector y Director Académico del Conservatorio Regional de Música "Jacinto Lara" y de la Fundación Conservatorio de Música Vicente Emilio Sojo (1991-1998). Facilitador en la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez [1991-2016]. Arteterapeuta en el Centro Integral de Artes, Ciarts, Madrid, España.



How to Cite

Figallo Calzadilla, S. R. . (2022). Andrés Barrios Gallipoli: A Renaissance Man. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(1), 115–122.