An itinerary through the enigmatic and credible paths of the barquisimetan popular wisdom




Sgemiotic hermeneutical analysis, Barquisimetan legend, symbols


The legend is a type of short story which represents some singnificant events in a community’s oral tradition, besides having fantastic events and encourages values from a generation to another. This article postulates an approximation to the semiotic
hermeneutical analysis of five legends from Barquisimeto, these were selected from the Catálogo del Patrimonio Cultural Venezolano de la región occidental, municipio Iribarren (2005). Theoretical basis were based on Morote (2005) who defined legend, Todorov (1981 y 1992) about hermeneutics, Eco (1986) in relation to semiotics and symbols’ meaning according to Cirlot (1992), Chevalier (1986) and Bruce­Mitford (1997) and Speech Acts (Searle, 1994). Among the results it is possible to say the
next: (a) the causes present in legends is deaths’ returning, (b) The macro act of speech present are information and warning and (c) Death, struggle between good and evil and sins represent Barquisimetan people worries.


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Author Biography

José Alejandro Castillo Sivira, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto

José Alejandro Castillo Sivira: Graduated from UPELIPB and professor of Language, mention in Language (1997), Master in Linguistics (2004) and PhD in Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña (2018). He is currently Coordinator of the Programa Lengua y Literatura del Departamento de Castellano y Literatura (undergraduate, UPEL-IPB). Coordinator of the Linguistics Research Line Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de la Lengua Materna of the Núcleo de Investigaciones Lingüísticas y Literarias “Trino Borges”. He has worked in graduate programs as a tutor and jury in the Maestría en Lingüística, Maestría en Literatura Latinoamericana, Maestría en Investigación Educativa, Doctorado en Cultura  Latinoamericana y Caribeña and the Programa Interistitucional Doctorado en Educación (PIDE) since 2005.


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How to Cite

Castillo Sivira, J. A. . (2023). An itinerary through the enigmatic and credible paths of the barquisimetan popular wisdom. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(2), 59–74.