Social responsibility in non­governmental organizations of the health sector in the state of Lara, Venezuela

A study from the paradigm of sustainable human development




Social Responsibility, Non­Governmental Organizations, Sustainable Human Development, Sustainable Development Goals


The purpose of the research was to analyze, based on the versions of its executives, the Social Responsibility management processes of three Non­Governmental Organizations of
the health sector of the estado Lara, Ascardio Alaplaf and the Cruz Roja, from the Sustainable Human Development approach. It is a qualitative research with interpretative
paradigmatic posture with a phenomenological­hermeneutical approach. The technique of gathering information was the in­depth interview, and the data was interpreted from the
hermeneutics of the managers' versions. For the analysis of the information, theoretical triangulation was made of the information obtained, the categories and the informants'
versions. Among the findings, it is highlighted that Social Responsibility in NGOs is conceived, even without explicitly establishing it in its management philosophy, as a commitment with workers, the community, users and society in general, in line with the economic dimensions, Social and Environmental Development of Sustainable Human Development and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In addition, the NGOs in their more than four decades of operation have managed to sustain themselves financially even in the times of humanitarian emergency that Venezuela is going through.


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Author Biography

Francy Lisseth Montoya Gámez, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado

Francy Lisseth Montoya Gámez, has a degree in Social Communication (Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela), magister scientiarum in Marketing (Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín, Venezuela), PhD in Gerencia Avanzada (Universidad Fermín Toro, Venezuela). She teaches in the Programa de Desarrollo Humano at the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Montoya Gámez, F. L. . (2023). Social responsibility in non­governmental organizations of the health sector in the state of Lara, Venezuela: A study from the paradigm of sustainable human development. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(2), 99–111.