The path of critical editing in the life of Juan Francisco Sans




Juan Francisco Sans, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Musicology, Centro de Documentación e Investigaciones Acústico Musicales, critical music edition


As part of my undergraduate studies at the School of Arts of the Universidad  Central de Venezuela, I had the opportunity to meet and share knowledge with Juan Francisco Sans, who was also the tutor for my degree project, an experience in which he introduced me to critical edition. This essay is an approximation to that fruitful personal encounter with all the imprint it has had on my professional development.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Escorcio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Venezuelan-Portuguese musician. Bachelor of Artes, mention in Musicología, from Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Bachelor of Composición Musical, from the Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes (Unearte) and Master in Música Hispana at the Universdad de Valladolid (UVa), with a scholarship from the Iberoamerica + Asia Program. As a composer, he has received awards in Venezuela and abroad with works for orchestra, choir, chamber and small formats (guitar).  D. in Musicology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is working on new musical works and research on the connections between Spain and Venezuela. 


Sans, J. F. (s.f.). La edición crítica de música: una breve explicación. (Texto elaborado para la Maestría en Musicología Latinoamericana). Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Sans, J. F. (2006). La edición crítica de música para piano en el contexto latinoamericano. Boletín de Música Casa de las Américas, 17, 3­-22.

Sans, J. F. (2015). La edición musical como ocasión extrema de la interpretación. Revista anual del Instituto Nacional de Musicología “Carlos Vega” Nº 23.



How to Cite

Escorcio, R. . (2023). The path of critical editing in the life of Juan Francisco Sans. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(2), 143–149.