Annotated Repertoire of Bibliografía Musical Venezolana




Universidad Central de Venezuela, Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo, musicology, bibliography, research


Under the direction of the maestro Juan Francisco Sans, the Vicente Emilio Sojo Foundation embarked on the deepening of research and dissemination of Venezuelan and Latin American music, establishing strategic alliances with other institutions. Such is the case of the present study carried out in the Department of Music of the School of Arts of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, UCV, on the Venezuelan musical bibliography. This work received recognition from the Asociación Española de Documentación Musical, Aedom, in 1997. 


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Author Biography

Luis Romero Perozo, Universidad de Los Andes

Studied music at the "Juan Manuel Olivares" and "Juan José Landaeta" conservatories in Caracas. Bachelor of Arts (cum laude) in Music from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Master in Musicología Latinoamericana (UCV). Translator in the International Choral Bulletin of the World Federation for Choral Music. World Federation for Choral Music. Coordinated the Centro de Investigaciones Musicales de la Escuela de Música del Estado Mérida. He currently directs the Workers' Choir of the Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela, an ensemble with which he has extensive experience and has won more than six first prizes in Spain, Greece, Italy, Italy, Spain, Italy, Italy and the United States. prizes in Spain, Greece, Italy, Argentina and Colombia.


Aretz, I. (1965). La etnomusicología en Venezuela. Boletín del Instituto del Folklore. IV, 6­8.

Calzavara, A. (1986). Prospecto para una bibliografía de la música en Venezuela. Ediciones de la Asociación Lino Gallardo.

Chailley, J. (1991). Compendio de Musicología. Alianza Editorial.

Mambretti, M. (1970) Aportes para una bibliografía general del folklore, la etnomúsica y afines de Venezuela años 1968­-1970. Revista Venezolana de Folklore. 3, 129-­148.

Sánchez, M. S. (1996).Bibliografía venezolanista. Monte Avila Editores.

Sans, J. F. (1991). La Literatura Musical Venezolana. Papel Musical



How to Cite

Romero Perozo, L. . (2023). Annotated Repertoire of Bibliografía Musical Venezolana. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(2), 203–211.