Reggae y rastafari. Dos formas de entender el Caribe

Written by Juan David Chacón Benítez and César Cortez Méndez




reggae, rastafari, Caribbean


This text is a critical review of the book Reggae y rastafari. Dos formas de entender el Caribe, written by Juan David Chacón Benítez and César Cortez Méndez. The authors reconstruct the history of Rastafari culture from the origins of the African presence in the Caribbean, analyze its impact in the region and study reggae as a musical expression, the role of record labels in its commercialization and the variants of this rhythm throughout its history.


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Author Biography

Luis Pérez­Valero, Universidad de las Artes

D. in Music from the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Master in Música Española e Hispanoamericana (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Master in Música (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela). Bachelor in Música, composition area (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Musicales- Unearte, Venezuela). His research interests focus on recording aesthetics, music production and noise ethnography. He is a teacher and researcher at the Escuela de Artes Sonoras of the Universidad de las Artes (Guayaquil, Ecuador) and is part of the Oxford Bibliographies Online team of Oxford University Press.


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How to Cite

Pérez­ Valero, L. . (2023). Reggae y rastafari. Dos formas de entender el Caribe: Written by Juan David Chacón Benítez and César Cortez Méndez. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 11(2), 213–217.