Managerial strategies Program addressed to music teachers to stimulate students from 1 to 6 years


  • Jesús Almao Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador- Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto. Venezuela


Managerial strategies;, musical stimulation;, musical education.


This research was developed from a positivist point of view along with a quantitative approach; it is also a special project. It is supported by a field research, and descriptively, in order to design a managerial strategies program addressed to music teachers to stimulate students belonging to institutes deprived of musical education from Iribarren, Lara state. It was planned in a three stages research: a first stage, a diagnostic of design need. Second stage: a managerial strategies program addressed to teachers was designed. Third stage: a program validation was carried out by experts, considering the results, conclusions and analysis of previous stages. The sample was made up by active teachers during the school period 2012-2013 from nine institutes deprived of music education, located in the municipality Iribarren, Lara state. A Likert instrument for the compilation of information was applied. To analyze the information, descriptive statistics was used using graphical representations. Once the answers obtained were analyzed and interpreted, It was concluded that the teachers present deficiencies and needs when applying managerial strategies, consequently the proposed program is recommended for a better performance as music teachers and managers in the classroom.


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Author Biography

Jesús Almao, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador- Instituto Pedagógico de Barquisimeto. Venezuela

Professor graduated from UPEL-IPB in the specialty of music education. Pianist. Master in Education: mention: Educational Management and Diploma in Music and movement. Professor at UCLA in the Bachelor of Music Program and Academic Director and artistic of the Integral Center of Musical Education. Barquisimeto - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Almao, J. (2013). Managerial strategies Program addressed to music teachers to stimulate students from 1 to 6 years. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 1, 40–56. Retrieved from