Dialogs of Performance Art: Nature and Practice from what is Lived


  • Mary Pineda Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela


anthropology, space, art, body, performance


Social anthropology has studied meanings, which are taken by the body in traditional cultures to construct, from science, a concept related to contemporary body. Interdisciplinary investigations define a particular tension between our biological origins and our human originalities (Masiá). The body acts and communicates; it is about performance art which assumes language, technology, freedom or love inside human originalities which necessarily depend on his corporal and biological origins. Performance Art starts demonstrating its sense of incorporation to an individual territory which happens to become collective along with other bodies that share its daily space. Performance art is understood taking into account the relationship between “to have” - the biological thing - and “to be” - the spiritual thing-. That is why, in the quest for corporal significances and the study of the body, an experience from performance art workshops “ Brace Tirro “ (Pineda) has been adopted to describe a body that connects to what is outside through an “understanding self”. From this point on, dialogs of performance art are constructed through the resignificance of “the self” of a group of persons who communicate with their body, the analysis of their representation and performing in a common space. Their bodies are affected by questions which tell of a moving body in an invaded space, of an individual body in a collective subject, and of a body language in a visual speech, it’s about art interpretation.


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Author Biography

Mary Pineda, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Architect (Universidad de Los Andes, ULA Mérida) with a Master's Degree in Urban Development. Candidate for a PhD in Social Anthropology. She worked as a professor at the facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV, Barquisimeto, Lara) in the curricular unit Theory of Architecture. Professor at the Decanato Experimental de Humanidades y Artes  of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA, Barquisimeto, Lara). Director of the Artes Plásticas Program at UCLA. He has exhibited her work in Venezuela, Spain, Peru, Cuba and Mexico. His research and professional practice address issues that relate the city to the urban, architectural, social, community, artistic under the parameters of creation, design, management and planning the environment. Since 2011, she has been accredited as a researcher by the Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Research and Innovation Stimulus Award), and by Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado Centroccidental (Lisandro Alvarado Research Stimulus Award). She is responsible for the line of research space, action and contemporary artistic production, founder and director of the METAFOR-A-CCIONAL collective, a research team in new art trends.


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How to Cite

Pineda, M. (2014). Dialogs of Performance Art: Nature and Practice from what is Lived. Mayéutica Revista Científica De Humanidades Y Artes, 2, 76–88. Retrieved from https://revistas2.uclave.org/index.php/mayeutica/article/view/976