VI annual conference of the Advisory Council of the city of Barquisimeto. Thinking the city post COVID




Consejo Consultivo de la Ciudad de Barquisimeto, CCCB, Luciano Landaeta, Julia King, Jorge Pérez Jaramillo, Lorenzo González Casas, Elisa Silva, David Gouverneur


The Consultative Council of the City of Barquisimeto in Venezuela, seeking to promote citizen interest in the activities that address issues related to the sustainable development of the capital of Lara, held in September 2021 within the framework of the VI annual conference, the event THINK THE CITY POST COVID. Motivated by the emergency generated by COVID-19, is about the great responsibilities that must be assumed on a global scale in the face of the accelerated changes that are taking place. Various exhibitors participated from various cities around the world, with various themes addressing issues with the aim of improving urban life, through the articulation of what is new and what already exists in COVID or Post COVID. Greater use of infrastructure, buildings and industrial sectors in disuse and promote them, strengthening neighborhoods, diversifying their uses, without having to move


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Author Biographies

Carolina Mogollón Lacruz, Consejo Consultivo de la ciudad de Barquisimeto

Carolina, Mogollón Lacruz, Architect from the Universidad de los Andes, Counselor Advisory Council of the city of Barquisimeto, Master in Interior Design from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Venezuela. Email:

Franco Micucci D'Alessandri, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Franco, Micucci D'Alessandri, Architect Simón Bolívar University/Department of Design Architecture and Plastic Arts, Master in Urban Design from Harvard University, E-mail:



How to Cite

Mogollón Lacruz, C., & Micucci D’Alessandri, F. (2022). VI annual conference of the Advisory Council of the city of Barquisimeto. Thinking the city post COVID. Gaceta Técnica, 23(1), 110–118.